"Really? She still expects to hear from you, after all this time? After the way she scorned our three sons for 'polluting the shades of Pemberley'?
"She is my Aunt, nonetheless, and I am a very loyal--"
"Very loyal companion, blah blah blah. Yes, yes, I know. Believe me, I know."
"I don't know why you are so sour just because you have to deal with one aging aunt of mine."
"Lady Catherine is more than just an aging aunt, my dear, and you know that as well as I do."
"Well, yes, but she did lend us her carriage when ours broke last winter, and the carriage-mender sick with dropsy."
"I still say we could have hired one from town, to avoid being beholden to your aunt."

"Your 'good opinion once lost is lost forever.' YES. WE KNOW."
"You know, I should never have overcome the inferior circumstances of your birth and married you."
"Well, I shouldn't have forgotten that you were the last man on earth I could ever be prevailed upon to marry."
"I'm going for a walk."
"Have the driver take you to town, if that's where you're going."
"No, I'm very fond of walking."
"Oh, no. I'm not going anywhere. Here come Bingley and Jane, down the lane."
"Pfft. Happy as larks."
"They make me sick. It has to be an act. They stare at each other like puppies. After ten years and ten children."
"Well, you know what, their oldest boy looks like a monkey."
"I believe he does. You know, I misjudged you. We're so much alike after all."
"I love, I love, I love that about you."
"And like you always say, 'I knew you would do me good in some way. I saw it in your eyes when I first beheld you.'"
"What did you say?"
"I... I mean... isn't it about to rain? Look out there..."
"No! I.. I just, I was talking to Jane and she said it, and I just... I always prefer to remember the time that you and I were... walking in the moors, and you said to me that it was just like when we were children, and..."
"Heathcliff, too?!?? You said that was over YEARS ago."
"I just saw him in the village and we just had tea and dinner at his inn. Nothing happened."
"At the inn???!? And I suppose Rochester just happened to be strolling through town as well??"
"Well, no, I saw him in Brighton."
"In Brighton?"
"Last April. With my aunt."
"That was supposed to be a trip to have a new summer dress made, not to go... gallvanting around the countryside with that half-mad libertine."
"Well, at least he knows how to treat a lady."
"And what, pray tell, is THAT supposed to mean?!?"
"Well, let's just say he never let his aunt force me to play the pianoforte."
"I bet he didn't have to force you to do much of anything, did he."
"Excuse me?"
"He'll lock you in the attic, you know. But, then, you'd probably like that."
"No, you're the one who would like that. Sitting here writing letters all day..."
"I do not have the talent of easily conversing with strangers."
"Gee, really?"
"What do you want me to say? You knew I was like this when you married me."
"Well, for starters, how about this -- why don't you ever take me anywhere interesting?"
"What, is it time for another trip to Brighton?"
"No, it's time for another trip to Rosings. I already wrote a letter to tell your Aunt you were coming."
"You wouldn't."
"I haven't sent it yet, but I will if you don't back off about Brighton, right now. And you know what? You're lucky I don't ask you what you were doing while I was gone."
"For your information, I was off saving your sister from ruin. Again."
"Kitty has gone a little wild since Wickham has been out to sea, hasn't she. I just..."
"I... don't cry. Look, it's all arranged now. No one will know she tried to run off with the butcher."
"Oh, I think that cat's out of the bag, don't you?"
"I'd say so. Ha!"
"Why are you staring at me?"
"You know, you're very pretty when you laugh. Even when you've been crying."
"Don't try to sweet-talk me, Darcy. I know your ways..."
"Come on, I know what you need."
"A big glass of that nasty wine your gardener makes?"
"Our gardener, and no, that's not what."
"What, then?"
"A visit home to see your family."
"Oh, Darcy, do you mean it?!?"
"I've grown my hair and sideburns extra long, so I won't even be able to hear your mother talk. Come on, let's go."
"You have bewitched me, body and soul."
"Hey, that's my line."
"Well, it's mine now. Or, at least it is until you die and it gets passed down to your next male heir."
"I love you, Elizabeth."
"And I love you."
"Is there any felicity in the world superior to this?"
"What did you say?!"
Ha ha! Awesome! :-D
ReplyDeleteThis is brilliant.